SEC MRI/fMRI Mini-Conference
- Enhancing early detection of tumors and in vivo cell tracking using SPIO nanoparticles
- First Annual Southeastern Conference MRI/fMRI Collaborative Mini-conference
- Accumulation of manganese in the brains of C57BL/6 mice following drinking water exposure
- Institute for Imaging & Analytical Technologies
- Hyperscanning fMRI and Social Exchange in the SEC
- Assessment of a Wavelet-Based Clustering Analysis on FMRI Time Series
- Brain mechanisms involved in the attribution of emotional reations: an fMRI study
- Enabling Techniques for QRS Complex
Detection within High Field MRI:
3DQRS and Vectorcardiogram Approaches - Evaluation of the Inverse U Shaped Activation Hypothesis in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A quantitative meta-analysis of fMRI research.
- Investigating the timing and directional connectivity of emotional discrimination
- Overview of Research at the Auburn
University MRI Research Center - Dynamic brain connectivity is a better predictor of PTSD than static connectivity