Cortical Architecture Imaging and Discovery-old
The CAID lab’s research mainly focuses on the discovery of structural and functional architectures of the cerebral cortex via brain imaging and computational modeling. Our long-term goals are to discover the fundamental principles that sculpt the cerebral cortex from organizational, developmental and evolutionary perspectives, and to understand the relationship between cortical structure and function. We are interested in the cortical folding mechanisms, cortical structural connectivity and connectomes, higher-order cortical functional interactions, temporal and frequency dynamics of brain functions, and functional interaction of perception, cognition and environments. We mainly use multi-scale, multi-modal imaging data as the information source, and use a wide range of computational approaches to build models and develop theories. We have strong interests in applying the discovered principles and theories to better understand the dysfunctions of neurological, psychiatric, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, Schizophrenia, Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Autism, and Depression, among other brain conditions.
We take an interdisciplinary approach in our research and benefit significantly from our collaborators. The CAID is affiliated with the UGA Department of Computer Science, Bioimaging Research Center, Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute, Faculty of Engineering, and Institute of Bioinformatics.
Our research has been funded by NIH and NSF through the following grants: NIH Career Award EB006878 (2007-2012), NIH R01 HL087923-03S2 (2010-2012), NIH R01 DA033393 (2012-2017), NIH R01 AG-042599 (2013-2018), NSF CAREER Award IIS-1149260 (2012-2017), and NSF BME-1302089 (2013-2016).
PI: Tianming Liu
Contact: Tianming Liu